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World's First SCREW-BIKE

James Bruton

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Do you remember when I made a bicycle with an omniwheel on the front? A while later I moved on and tried to make a bike with two omniwheels.
As soon as I’d assembled that version I realised it would have been better to have made Mecanum wheels, which have the little wheels slanted all around them. These are typically used on the four corners of a robot so it can move in any direction, but I want to put them all in a line, so the bike still balances sideways, but can screw itself along.

Matthew Watson's Video:    • Collinear Mecanum Drive ICRA 2019  
CAD & Code for this project: https://github.com/XRobots/ScrewBike/'>https://github.com/XRobots/ScrewBike/

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Affiliate links I will get some money of you use them to sign up or buy something:
10% off at https://www.3dfuel.com/XROBOTS'>https://www.3dfuel.com/XROBOTS use code XROBOTS at the cart screen.
Music for your YouTube videos: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xrobots

CAD and Code for my projects: https://github.com/XRobots

Huge thanks to my Patrons, without whom my standard of living would drastically decline. Like, inside outFarm Foods bag decline. Plus a very special shoutout to Lulzbot, Inc who keep me in LulzBot 3D printers and support me via Patreon.


Below you can also find a lot of the typical tools, equipment and supplies used in my projects:

Filament from: https://www.3dfuel.com/
Lulzbot 3D Printers: http://bit.ly/2Sj6nil
Bearings from: https://simplybearings.co.uk/
Lincoln Electric Welder: https://bit.ly/2Rqhqos
CNC Router: https://bit.ly/2QdsNjt
Ryobi Tools: http://bit.ly/2RhArcD
3D Printer Filament: http://bit.ly/2PdcdUu
Soldering Iron: http://bit.ly/2DrNWDR
Vectric CNC Software: http://bit.ly/2zxpZqv

CAD content is sponsored by Autodesk Fusion 360

posted by vrotsig0q