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Why Need Clones When You Have 6 Twins?

Twin Strangers

The legend says everyone has 6 twin strangers living in all parts of the world. They have the same face, body and hair as you do, but they still don't know about your existence. In order to inspire all of us to look for our twin strangers, a lady named Niamh decided to give her own example and find 1 of her clones herself. Imagine her surprise when she found her twin in Italy! Their meeting was a true shock for both the girls and their friends. Now they are on their way to find the rest 5 twins they have. And if you are also interested in finding your twin strangers, you are welcoem to visit the Put in your details, the more accurate you are in describing your look the better chance you have of finding your Twin Stranger. Your details will be stored and then... let's hope some of your twins are also looking for you there!

posted by anissadaoud7q
