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How The US' Biggest Garlic Producer Survived The Fall Of American Garlic | Big Business

Business Insider

America used to produce almost all of its own garlic — until Chinese imports flooded in, bankrupting threequarters of US producers. We visited the largest American grower, Christopher Ranch, to see how it's managed to get bigger than ever.

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00:00 Intro
01:01 How Garlic Is Harvested
02:35 How Bulbs Get Cleaned
04:55 Where Christopher Ranch Garlic Goes
05:48 The Rise Of American Garlic
07:08 The Invention Of Peeled Garlic
09:11 When Chinese Garlic Flooded The Market
11:10 Roasted Garlic And New Technology
13:32 The California Garlic Festival
18:35 The Rise Of Organic Garlic
20:13 Where Garlic Gets Stored
20:44 New Challenges To Growing Garlic
21:30 Credits

#garlic #imports #businessinsider

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How The US' Biggest Garlic Producer Survived The Fall Of American Garlic | Big Business

posted by hussein05113h